
President: Kaitlin Cook [email protected]
Vice President: Clayton Bonn [email protected]
Treasurer: Gary Wulf [email protected]
North District Captain: Jason Butschek [email protected]
Southern District Captain: Jon Furman
Secretary: Levina Wulf [email protected]

A Few of Our Volunteers

Pictured from left to right:  

Levina Wulf – Secretary
Melanie Cook 
Kayla Mize 
Wyatt Cook 
Kaitlin Cook – President
Clayton Bonn – Vice President
Ben Bodiford – Treasurer


McKayla Dunaway
Ron Mendleski
Bryant Matthews
Caitlin Sims
Skylar Sims
Morgan Oliver
Cody Humes
Curtis Humes
Ben Bodiford
Benjamin Abbott
Christopher Trahan
John Farthing
David Ginter