San Jacinto County
First Responders

San Jacinto County First Responders

The San Jacinto County First Responders (SJCFR) organization was established in 2002 to organize, support, maintain, and operate as a non-profit entity. Our purpose is to provide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and rescue from qualified First Responders to those in need in San Jacinto County, Texas.

The SJCFR organization engages in a mutual aid and signed agreement with the contracted ambulance provider for the SJC Emergency Service District (ESD).

We are your average everyday citizens who carry a radio, are trained and qualified to possess a medical certification and we want to help provide medical care to our fellow citizens. We are your neighbors, community members, and fellow working class individuals who volunteer their time to respond to 911 calls. Due to the immense size of our county, we strive to provide life saving measures until an ambulance can arrive. [See training levels at the bottom of the About page.]

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